Thursday, May 5, 2016



Photographing the trees as a subject, is like any other portrait to me. they feel alive and have their own characteristics. Although people have their own specific set of rules when photographing trees, i tended to go with my natural way of shooting and that's to capture it first and set the parameters later. I want my photographs of the trees to have the same feeling of life as any other being. I show the life the tree has in its composure and stature as it is framed in the negative. By pushing away these connotative ways to photograph tree's and giving them views of expression, I strive to show the beauty it shows the world. As many would follow the rules other photographers have set out on the subject of trees, it is best to make your own judgement and capture the work for your own reasons.

Weston, Edward, and Peter C. BunnellEdward Weston on Photography. Salt Lake City: P.  
            Smith Books, 1983. 

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